DIY Golf Net In Easy To Follow Steps

Building Your Own DIY Golf Net: Everything That You Need to Know

Whether you are an avid golfer or just starting out, a DIY golf net might be something that you’ve been wanting to do for a while. Having a golf net in your home comes with lots of benefits, not only to your golf game but also to your wallet and sanity! Plus, if you are like me you get that pride that you built this project by yourself.

In this rundown, we will go over the basics of DIY golf nets, the benefits, and how you can go about constructing one all by yourself!

What is an Indoor Golf Net?

An indoor golf net is, quite simply, a net that you can set up inside your home, garage, golf cave or shed in order to practice your golf game. These nets typically come in two different styles:

The first style is the more comprehensive setup and will include everything from the frame to the hitting mat to the net itself.

The second style is a bit more bare-bones and typically just includes the net. This leaves it up to the consumer to figure out how they want to set it up and what kind of hitting mat (if any) they want to use.

Benefits of an Indoor DIY Golf Net

There are many benefits to having an indoor DIY golf net. For me having the ability to hit balls anytime (extreme cold or hot weather permitting) is what excites me. If you are on the fence as to whether you want to build or have an indoor golf net, then you may want to know about the following benefits. Combine that with a product such as the SkyTrak Golf Launch Monitor or many other launch monitors on the market and you’ll be enjoying your time away from the golf course.

Customize to Your Specifications

When you build your own golf net, you can make it exactly to your specifications. If you want it to be a certain height, width, or depth, then you can make that happen.

You’re also not limited to the materials that you use. So, if you want to use PVC pipes instead of metal ones, then go for it!

Practice Your Golf Swing Any Time

One of the best things about having an indoor golf net is that you can practice your swing any time, anywhere.

Whether it’s in your living room, basement, or garage, you can set up your golf net and get in a few swings even when the weather outside isn’t cooperating.

Plus, if you have young children in the house, you don’t have to worry about them running around or getting in the way while you’re trying to focus on your game.

Save Money, Avoid the Range With a DIY Golf Simulator Setup

Not only is building your own golf net a fun project, but it is also an inexpensive way to get into the game. If you were to buy a pre-made golf net, then you are looking at spending anywhere from $100-$500 (or more).

When you build your own net, you can get all of the materials for around $50-$100. So, if you are on a budget, then this is a great option for you.

Another benefit to having your own golf net is that you can practice your swing anytime you want! If you have an indoor net, then you don’t have to worry about the weather or paying to go to the driving range. It’s also much cheaper than paying for golf simulator software, which can cost thousands of dollars.

A golf practice net can help you practice an expensive sport and hopefully get better at the same time. Plus, nothing beats taking your own time while recording your swing and seeing swing path, body posture, balance, and follow through. Do some drills and make sure you aren’t hitting fat shots while you are compressing the ball properly.

Things You’ll Need (Apart from a Golf Ball!)

Before you get started on your DIY golf net, you’ll want to gather up the necessary materials. What you will need will depend on the type of DIY garage/shop indoor golf net that you want to make, but here are some basics:

  • Power drill and bits
  • Netting material
  • Zip ties/velcro loops
  • Bolts and wing nuts
  • Screws
  • Wood or PVC material or EMT Pipe
  • Hand or miter saw

With these supplies gathered up, you can be sure that you are well-prepared to build and use your DIY golf net.

How to Build a DIY Golf Net

Now that you know the benefits of a DIY golf net and what functions it can perform, you might be eager to build your own. Here’s a step-by-step look into what it takes to build your own DIY golf net. There is no right or wrong for everyone. Build it to your own specifications and enjoy the build at the same time.

Construct the Frame

The first step is to construct the frame. You can use wood or PVC pipes for this part, depending on what you have on hand or what your budget might be. Heck, you could do what I did and use EMT pipes like I did when building a golf enclosure for me impact screen. You can see that example in my golf cave. For me I would head over to Menards or Home Depot and get enough wood or PVC for about a 10 foot wide area by around 8 feet in height. Again, that is just a personal decision.

Trying to not make this overly complicated. Measure and cut the pieces that you will need for the frame along the specifications you have in mind. You can make this as pretty or ugly as you would like. I’m sorta reminded of the movie Slapshot and the comment “making it look mean”.

If you are like me, the end result matters and that is being able to hit ball after ball into your diy golf net. You can put together the wood or pvc using screws or bolts and wing nuts (whichever you prefer). I cut the emt pipes I purchased with a pipe cutting tool going round and round and round multiple times.

Choose Your Netting

Next, you need to choose your netting material. There are a few different types of netting that you can use, and the one you choose will depend on what kind of DIY golf net you want to create.

For example, if you want a net that will catch the golf balls, then you’ll want to choose a denser netting material. Some call these a baffle net. On the other hand, if you just want a net to keep the balls from going too far, then you can choose a lighter weight netting.

Here is a nice choice for DIY golf net material

Secure the Netting

Once you have chosen your netting material, it’s time to secure it to the frame that you have created. You can do this by using zip ties or velcro loops.

Start at one end of the frame and work your way around, attaching the netting as you go. Make sure that the netting is pulled tight so that it doesn’t sag in the middle.

Get to Work!

There you have it! Your very own DIY golf net. Now that you have built your own golf net or ummm errr cough ignored me and purchased one online, you can get to work on your golf swing and practice at any time.

DIY Golf Net: Let’s Recap

Building your own golf net is a fun and easy way to get into the game of golf. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to practice your swing any time, anywhere.

If you’ve been wanting to build your own DIY golf net, but you didn’t know how, you now have all of the resources that you need to build and use your own DIY golf net and practice any time of the day or year.

With your own DIY golf net, you can not only “wow” your friends with the golf net that you built with your own hands, but you can also “wow” them on the golf course with your newfound swing!

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