Different Types of Golf Tees: A Tee-rific Guide

Golf tees may seem like a simple and relatively unimportant accessory at first glance. There are different types of golf tees which come in various materials and designs. If you’ve been playing golf for any length of time, you probably have your favorite tee. If not or if you are a beginning golfer, the purpose of this article is to look at the different types of golf tees and their unique features to help you make an informed decision when choosing the perfect tee for your game.

There are several common materials used to make golf tees – wood, bamboo, plastic, and rubber, each with their pros and cons. Wooden tees have been the classic choice for many years and are still preferred by some golfers due to their biodegradable nature. Bamboo tees are gaining popularity for their sustainability and durability. On the other hand, plastic tees offer the advantage of lasting longer and providing consistent performance, while rubber tees are designed for use on driving range mats.

Furthermore, there are innovative designs such as the zero friction tees that feature a three-pronged head to reduce friction and improve ball flight. Brush tees, like the Brush T MultiPack shown below have bristles to support the golf ball and create less resistance. When it comes to tees, try out a few (as in wood, bamboo, plastic, zero friction, etc…) and see what works best for you.

Types of Golf Tees

As a beginning or avid golfer, a golf tee is just one of the many choices (like a golf ball) that you get to make. If you are like my buddies and walk on to a par 3 hole, they will typically find a used tee or partly broken tee and make it their own for that hole and maybe for future holes. In this section, we will discuss various golf tee options, including wooden tees, bamboo tees, plastic tees, brush tees, rubber tees, martini tees, and anti-slice tees.

Wooden Tees

Wooden tees are considered the classic option and were the standard for many years. Some golfers enjoy the satisfying snap of a wooden tee when hitting a sweet shot. Many still prefer these traditional tees due to their biodegradability and low cost. Wooden tees provide golfers the flexibility to adjust the height while teeing off. I frequent a golf course where golfers used to leave their tees on the tee boxes. Now a sign asks golfers to pick up their tees.

Bamboo Tees

Bamboo tees are an eco-friendly alternative to wooden tees. They are known for their sturdiness, durability, and reduced likelihood of snapping compared to wooden tees. These tees are slightly more expensive than wooden ones but offer a longer lifespan.

Plastic Tees

Plastic tees have become increasingly popular as they are more durable than their wooden counterparts. Some golfers find that these tees offer less friction, resulting in improved distance and accuracy. Plastic tees come in a variety of shapes and designs, such as the Zero Friction 3 Prong and 5 Prong tees which are designed for superior performance. I personally gravitate towards plastic tees only because I found how durable they are.  In fact, I’ve used Champ tees over the past two years.

Now let me back up a bit. When I purchased my Spornia Golf Net, the folks were kind enough to send me a hat and literally hundreds of tees. Getting extra goodies does not go unnoticed and brought a smile to my face. The tees however were almost a one and done plastic tee. Literally I would hit a drive and the tee would break. I never told my friends that I got the tees for free but they got a kick out of seeing me hit drive after drive and breaking each tee. I was definitely no Moe Norman.

Brush Tees

Brush tees are unique golf tees that feature a set of bristles on top where the ball is placed. These tees aim to reduce friction at impact, leading to longer and straighter shots. Although brush tees are more expensive and less durable than other tee options, some golfers swear by their effectiveness.

Rubber Tees

Rubber tees are often used on driving ranges and practice mats. They are highly durable and perfect for repeated use during practice sessions. While not typically used on the golf course, these tees can be a great addition to your practice routine. I use a product from Finger Ten which goes through the bottom of my hitting mat in my golf shed. If you buy the mixed pack, they come in various sizes so you can hit with irons all the way up through and including driver.

Martini Tees

Martini tees are characterized by their elongated, cone-shaped design, resembling martini glasses. These unique tees offer golfers better control and placement, as well as reduced resistance during impact. Additionally, they are known for their durability and stability. Martini tees get great reviews which makes me want to try them and folks like them for being able to tee up a drive at the same height every time.

Anti-Slice Tees

Anti-slice tees are said to be designed to help golfers correct their slice. These tees often have a slight tilt to the side, encouraging the golfer to adjust their swing path. To be honest with you, I’m not sure some slices could be fixed with a tee. I would like to see someone prove me otherwise but I’m not sure I believe the hype.

The Reviews Are In

Some of the best reviews you will see for golf tees. Built for distance, accuracy, and longevity. 4 prong golf tees that should last a good long time.

Key Features

In this section, we’ll discuss some of the most important features to consider when choosing the best golf tees for your game. These include tee height, consistent height, adjustable height, and durability.

Tee Height

The height of a golf tee plays a crucial role in optimizing your swing and ball contact. Tees are available in various lengths, allowing golfers to choose the most suitable option for their playing style and preference. Common tee heights range from short tees, ideal for irons and fairway woods, to longer tees designed for drivers with large clubheads.

Consistent Height

A consistent tee height is essential for improving your ball striking and shot accuracy. Some golf tees feature different colors that help golfers achieve a consistent height every time they set up their tee. This ensures that players can focus on their swing, knowing that the height remains constant in each shot.

Adjustable Height

Adjustable golf tees provide the flexibility to change the tee height based on your club selection or personal preference. These tees allow golfers to find the perfect height for each shot, ensuring they can achieve the desired ball trajectory and distance.


Durability is another key factor to consider when selecting golf tees. Traditional wooden tees, while affordable, can often break easily. One of my friends never, I repeat never buys tees. He is not lacking in money but always finds tees on the course. Most of the time he finds wood tees. On the other hand, tees made from durable materials like plastic or bamboo are less likely to snap and can provide more reliable performance throughout a tournament or casual play.

Considering these key features when selecting your golf tees will help you find the best option for your game, ultimately improving your performance on the course.

Performance Benefits

Longer Drives

In the world of golf, players are always looking for ways to achieve longer drives. One innovation that has emerged is the use of brush tees.

Brush tees have a bristled top that holds the ball, reducing the contact between the tee and the ball. This minimal contact can result in longer drives as the ball encounters less resistance during the initial launch. There are some people who swear by brush tees and won’t use anything else.

Launch Angle

The launch angle plays a significant role in determining the overall distance and trajectory of a golf shot. Golf tees can affect the launch angle based on their height and design.

For example, using a taller tee for your driver can promote a higher launch angle and result in longer distances. Adjusting the height of your tee can help optimize your launch angle, benefiting your overall game on the course. I can vouch for this. A slightly higher tee will help (when struck correctly) get the ball in the air and I do get more distance.

Most Popular Tee

I am told the Pride Professional Tee System is the number one tee on the PGA Tour. These tees come in a number of sizes if you would like to check out the Pride Golf Tee Store.

Another Popular Tee Choice

The way I look at it, when it comes to golf tees it is nice to have choices. You may only get 4 tees in a pack with this next product but the longevity is why golfers use them. Sure, who doesn’t want to hit the ball 4 Yards More.

Using A Golf Simulator?

I mentioned before that I use the Finger Ten product with a hole punched through a mat while inside my golf shed/cave. I actually have a few mats. A Fiberbuilt Flight Deck and a DIY Golf Mat that is placed inside of a golf mat. For the DIY Golf Mat, I use a black Birtee while using SkyTrak. Black usually doesn’t cause issues with SkyTrak and the Birtee product comes in various sizes. Birtee does not look like a standard tee because it doesn’t plunge (push?) into the ground or mat. You simply put the Birtee down and place the ball on top of it. The one thing to note is that when you hit the ball, most likely the Birtee will go flying as well. So take note of where it ends up.

One Last Thing

According to the Rules of Golf, a tee must not be longer than 4 inches (101.6 mm) and should be designed in a way that it does not indicate the line of play or unduly influence the movement of the ball. Golfers need to adhere to these rules to ensure fair play.

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