Drills for Shoulder Turn in the Golf Swing: Boost Your Distance

A powerful golf swing is crucial for any golfer looking to improve their game. One key component to achieving this is mastering the shoulder turn. Proper shoulder rotation during the golf swing not only generates more power but also helps maintain balance and consistency throughout the motion, ultimately leading to a more precise shot.

I’ve found when I’m lacking in distance, it is almost always when I am not fully warmed up and/or getting a full shoulder turn.

Several drills can help golfers develop an effective shoulder turn in their swing. These exercises focus on rotating the shoulders correctly, promoting good posture, and minimizing the risk of injury. By incorporating these drills into regular practice, golfers of all skill levels can improve their swing and overall performance on the course.

Importance of Shoulder Turn in Golf Swing

A proper shoulder turn in the golf swing is crucial for a golfer’s performance as it contributes to their power, accuracy, and consistency. The main reason for focusing on turning the shoulders and hips is that it helps create more power in the swing. By rotating the shoulders and hips, golfers benefit from a more extensive range of motion, consequently generating more clubhead speed.

Simultaneously, achieving a full shoulder turn can help with both accuracy and consistency throughout each swing. Golfers can maximize club head speed as well as increase their chances of getting the club on plane for superior accuracy. A full shoulder turn stabilizes and controls the swing path, especially during the impact and follow-through phases.

Moreover, the shoulder turn is essential to transmit energy from the trailing side to the front effectively. Without a full shoulder turn, golfers experience a reduced energy transfer, leading to a loss of power and distance.

Several drills can enhance the shoulder turn in a golf swing, helping players perfect their technique. For instance, the closed stance drill involves dropping the trailing foot back a few inches from the usual alignment position, leading to a closed stance. Practicing the swing in this adjusted stance position can offer various advantages. Just beware that you may hit balls with more of a draw bias as the club will tend to come around your body.

In summary, the shoulder turn in a golf swing plays a vital role in a player’s performance. Incorporating a full shoulder turn helps golfers develop their power, accuracy, and consistency on the golf course.

Fundamentals of Shoulder Turn

In the golf swing, a proper shoulder turn is essential for generating power and accuracy. This section will delve into the basics of shoulder turn during the backswing and downswing, including the role of the torso, upper body, back shoulder, spine, and posture.


During the backswing, the golfer’s focus should be on rotating the shoulders and torso around the spine. This is achieved by turning the upper body, with the lead shoulder (left shoulder for right-handed golfers, and right shoulder for left-handed golfers) moving downwards and underneath the chin. As the lead shoulder rotates, the trail shoulder should also move back and up.

It’s essential to maintain a steady posture during the backswing. This can be accomplished by keeping the spine angle consistent and avoiding a swaying motion. When properly executed, the shoulder turn will create tension in the torso, storing energy that will be released during the downswing.

A few key components of a solid backswing include:

  • Maintaining the spine angle and avoiding swaying
  • Turning the upper body while keeping the lower body relatively still
  • Rotating the lead shoulder downward and underneath the chin
  • Allowing the trail shoulder to move back and up


Once the golfer has reached the end of the backswing, it’s time to initiate the downswing. This process begins with the lower body, as the hips move towards the target and then start to rotate. As the lower body begins to unwind, the shoulder’s stored energy will transfer through the torso and into the arms, ultimately reaching the clubhead.

When executing the downswing, it’s essential to maintain the same posture and spine angle established during the backswing. This helps ensure a smooth transition and a powerful impact with the ball.

During the downswing, the lead shoulder will rise, and the trail shoulder will move down and forward. The upper body rotation should continue, adding to the speed and accuracy of the swing.

Some vital aspects of an effective downswing include:

  • Initiating the downswing with the lower body
  • Maintaining posture and spine angle throughout
  • Allowing the lead shoulder to rise while the trail shoulder moves down and forward
  • Continuing to rotate the upper body until the follow-through

Incorporating these fundamental concepts into your golf swing will help you achieve a more effective and consistent shoulder turn. By practicing proper technique and using targeted drills like the closed stance drill, golfers can improve their shoulder turn and, ultimately, boost their overall golf performance. Let’s look at a few more drills below followed by a video.

Effective Shoulder Turn Drills

Shoulder turn drills are essential for improving your golf swing and increasing power. The following subsections describe some effective drills you can try.

Club Across the Chest

Place a club across your chest, holding it with both hands at each end, and practice rotating your shoulders back and forth.

Swivel Chair Drill

This drill involves sitting in a swivel chair and rotating your upper body as you would in a golf swing. The rotating motion of the chair helps create proper hip turn, which leads to better shoulder turn.

Medicine Ball Side Twist

Hold a medicine ball in both hands and then rotate your torso by moving the ball from the side of your target hip to the side of your trail hip. This drill improves core strength and helps develop the correct feeling of a powerful shoulder turn in the golf swing.

Closed Stance Drill

The Closed Stance Drill involves positioning your trail foot further back from the ball than usual. This closed stance promotes better shoulder rotation and can increase power. Practice this at the driving range to see the effect on your swing.

One Handed Swing

Finally, the One-Handed Swing drill involves swinging the club with just one hand. Choose your dominant arm for this drill and focus on proper shoulder turn during the swing. This exercise can help develop a better feel for the correct rotation in the golf swing.

Improving Golf Swing Consistency

Improving golf swing consistency is crucial for any golfer, whether they are a beginner or a seasoned player. One key factor that directly impacts consistency is the proper shoulder turn in the golf swing. With the right shoulder turn, golfers can achieve better control over their swing path, clubface, and tempo, resulting in a more consistent golf swing.

Understanding the importance of a good shoulder turn, we can learn from simple drills to enhance the motion. One drill that focuses on shoulder rotation is the Closed Stance Drill. To practice this drill, start in your normal stance addressing the ball, then drop your dominant foot back a few inches from your usual alignment position. This closes your stance, allowing you to better engage your shoulders and torso in the swing.

Another useful drill for improving turning consistency is to focus on the lead shoulder during the backswing. By keeping your arms straighter and trying to bring your lead shoulder under your chin, you can increase your shoulder turn, putting you in a solid position at the top of your swing.

I’ve heard a golf instructor mention that you can increase shoulder turn by focusing on your trailing shoulder and squeezing the rear shoulder blades. Believe it or not it helps to increase shoulder turn range of motion.

In addition to these drills, practicing your tempo is essential for achieving consistency in your golf swing. Developing a smooth, even tempo throughout your swing helps maintain balance and ensures a proper transition at the top of the backswing.

To practice consistency, divide your golf swing into its key components:

  • Address: Proper posture and alignment
  • Backswing: Slow, controlled rotation
  • Downswing & Impact: Smooth acceleration and solid contact
  • Follow-through: Balanced, complete finish

By focusing on each of these elements, you can improve your overall golf swing consistency, leading to better results on the golf course. Remember to practice these drills and techniques regularly, and make adjustments as needed to further refine your swing.

YouTube Video Shoulder Turn Drill

One popular YouTube video that covers a drill for improving shoulder turn in your golf swing is titled 3 Drills for a Better Shoulder Turn in your Golf Swing. In this video, the instructor presents three drills designed to help golfers coil and uncoil their shoulders properly, ultimately leading to a more powerful swing.

Reach for the wall drill.

Hinge at the hips and reach for the line.

Shoulders below the line.

Maximizing Power and Ball Speed

A proper shoulder turn in the golf swing is essential for generating power at impact and achieving explosive ball speed. Incorporating drills that focus on maximizing shoulder turn can lead to more consistent distance and improved upper body strength.

Incorporating upper body strengthening exercises, such as push-ups or seated rows, can also contribute to driving power and stability in the golf swing. Strengthening the upper body not only enhances the shoulder turn but also promotes hands and upper body synergy, resulting in better control and acceleration through impact.

Another key aspect to consider is the level of rotation during the shoulder turn. Golfers should aim to rotate their shoulders to reach an average of 90 degrees for optimal swing performance. Practicing at-home drills that focus on maintaining a level turn can help achieve this goal, such as using a wall to ensure proper rotation levels are met.

Why not just grab your cell phone to record yourself. Place at around hand height. Make sure you have plenty of room for this exercise. Take a swing with or without a golf club and see how much shoulder rotation is in your average swing. If you don’t have a cell phone handy, practice (and look) in front of a mirror.

In summary, focusing on shoulder turn drills, upper body strength exercises, and maintaining an appropriate level of rotation will allow golfers to maximize power and ball speed in their swing.

Additional Tips for Shoulder Turn

How important is flexibility for shoulder turn?

Flexibility is crucial for achieving a proper shoulder turn. Stretching and regular exercise can help improve your flexibility, allowing for a more efficient and powerful golf swing. Focus on stretches that target your shoulders, torso, and hips to improve your range of motion.

Can working on shoulder turn help lower your golf scores?

Absolutely! Improving your shoulder turn can impact your overall golf swing by creating a more efficient and controlled motion, leading to more consistent ball striking, increased distance, and ultimately, lower golf scores.

Now obviously through injury, age, or lack of flexibility, you may not be able to make a full shoulder turn. Granted, not everyone can make a 90 degree shoulder turn. However if you can increase your shoulder turn without injury, you should see an increase in distance.

Remember to practice regularly, prioritize flexibility exercises, and incorporate these tips and drills which can help you become a more efficient and powerful golfer.

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